Install the Vim 8.0 and YouCompleteMe with Make on CentOS 7.3

As a vimmer, I want to complete and install the Vim 7.4.1578+ at ~/.local , so than I can use the YouCompleteMe plugin on CentOS 7.3.

▲ The Vim 8.0.1522 on CentOS 7.3.1611.

Install the Vim 8.0 with Make

1. Install the necessary package.
[ jonny@centos7 ~ ]
$ sudo yum install gcc-c++ ncurses-devel python-devel

2. Get the source code of Vim.
[ jonny@centos7 ~ ]
$ git clone

3. Go to build directory.
[ jonny@centos7 ~ ]
$ cd vim/src && git checkout v8.0.1522
# Use the version like my MacVim.

4. Configure it !
[ jonny@centos7 ~/vim/src ]
$ ./configure \
    --disable-nls \
    --enable-cscope \
    --enable-gui=no \
    --enable-multibyte \
    --enable-pythoninterp \
    --enable-rubyinterp \
    --prefix=/home/jonny/.local/vim \
    --with-features=huge \
    --with-python-config-dir=/usr/lib/python2.7/config \
    --with-tlib=ncurses \
  • --prefix: For local user, not effect other users.
  • --with-python-config-dir: For support the YouCompleteMe plugin.
  • I remove --enable-perlinterp args, because it will build fail, and I don't need write the perl script.

5. Compile and install the Vim.
[ jonny@centos7 ~/vim/src ]
$ make && make install

6. Add ~/.local/vim/bin into $PATH.
[ jonny@centos7 ~/vim/src ]
$ vim ~/.bashrc

if [ -d "$HOME/.local/vim/bin/" ] ; then

7. Reload the bashrc.
[ jonny@centos7 ~/vim/src ]
$ source ~/.bashrc

Install the YouCompleteMe plugin

1. Install the necessary package.
[ jonny@centos7 ~ ]
$ sudo yum install gcc-c++ cmake python-devel

2. Get the YouCompleteMe plugin.
[ jonny@centos7 ~ ]
$ mkdir ~/.vim/bundle && \
    git clone \

3. Compile and install the YouCompleteMe.
[ jonny@centos7 ~ ]
$ cd ~/.vim/bundle/YouCompleteMe && python ./

Enjoy it.

By the way, I use the dein.vim to manage my vim plugins, you can see more detail at .

Native True Color Vim | O3noBLOG
Centos7 安装 vim8.0 + YouCompleteMe | nzyalj
YouCompleteMe unavailable: requires Vim compiled with Python (2.6+ or 3.3+) support | GitHub
Building Vim from source · Valloric/YouCompleteMe Wiki | GitHub
Install the Vim 8.0 and YouCompleteMe with Make on CentOS 7.3 | Chu-Siang Lai on Medium


  1. If we want to install the Vim 8.0, we can see this post.

    * How To Install Vim 8.0 On Ubuntu 16.04 -

    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:jonathonf/vim
    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install vim

  2. Fixed one typo of "CentOS 7.4.1611" -> " CentOS 7.3.1611". 👀

  3. Fixed one typo of "git check v8.0.1522" -> "git checkout v8.0.1522". 😆




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